23 October 2018

Fruitcake season is here again....and yes, fruitcake is coming back.

It's getting to be fruitcake season! I received my first King Arthur Flour catalog today. Here's the cover:

And oh, what's that in the upper right? What does that say?

Let's zoom in a bit, shall we?
When fruitcake starts making it to the front of the King Arthur flour catalog......I call it a resurgence.

Seriously, though, the latest catalog contains several different fruit blends in addition to their standard fruitcake blend...resurgence. They also have some nice sounding organic candied lemon and orange peel from Spain....fruitcake resurgence!!

That peel,though....limited time only, and 8 ounce packages are $16.95 per. Pricey. Nuts.com has candied orange peel for $6.99/pound. I've used it and it's good quality. Maybe I'll try the King Arthur, but even Market Hall foods has imported Italian orange peel for $17/pound, and it's very nice.

Which all leads to how I started this post. It's getting to be the time to start thinking about making and/or purchasing fruitcakes! I'm considering making the Sailor Jerry fruitcake, and then an intriguing one that is supposedly from 1957 and contains crystallized ginger. Remember that I have tons of fruitcake recipes collected on my Pinterest board.

Are you thinking about your fruitcake baking/purchasing? Let me know what you're planning on my Facebook page!